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Kapalbhati Pranayama : Medicine of all the diseases


Doing Kapalbhati for only 5 minutes in the morning cures many diseases. By doing this, the blood circulation is good, as well as the mind remains calm. It is considered to be the most important pranayama among pranayamas. Many diseases can be cured by its continuous practice. Be it physical or mental. The benefits of Kapalbhati Pranayama are many, such as its continuous practice helps in reducing weight. It is beneficial in stomach related problems. Menstruation of women is not regular or more or less. Its main function is to normalize and balance the body, that is, it helps in correcting any kind of physical and mental imbalance. With its practice, your body and mind are in complete control. That is why today people from all over the world are doing yoga.

Benefits of Kapalbhati Pranayama

1.  Cures any kind of weakness in the body.

2.  Regular practice of Kapalbhati Pranayama helps in reducing obesity.

3.  Benefit in gas, constipation and acidity etc.

4.  Doing Kapalbhati Pranayama helps in reducing cholesterol.

5.  Helps to relieve stress and anxiety.

6.  Kapalbhati Pranayama benefits the lack of enthusiasm.
7. By continuous practice of this pranayama, kidney stone is         beneficial in any place of the body.

8. Kapalbhati is very beneficial in terms of keeping your blood circulation fine and improving metabolism.

9.It is very beneficial in the problem of gas and acidity.

10.By doing the process of exhalation in this, the lungs work properly for a long time.

11.By doing Kapalbhati, memory increases and the brain also works faster.

12.The quality of sleep improves by doing this pranayama.

13.Liver and kidney related problems are cured by doing Kapalbhati daily.

14.This asana is very beneficial to maintain the energy level in the body.

15.By doing Kapalbhati regularly, the problem of dark circles under the eyes will also end.

When to do Kapalbhati Pranayama

 Kapalbhati Pranayama should be done in the morning on an empty stomach. If time is not available then it can be done in the evening but empty stomach or after three to four hours of eating food. Its maximum benefit is available in the morning.

 What to take precautions

1.Do not increase or decrease the speed of your breathing while doing Kapalbhati. keep the same.

2.While doing this, your entire focus should be on the movement of the abdomen, not on the breath.

3.The shoulders should not move while doing Kapalbhati.

4.While inhaling the stomach should be outwards and while exhaling the stomach should be inwards.

5.If you have a hernia, ulcer, respiratory disease or hypertension, then definitely consult your doctor before doing this.

How to do Kapalbhati Pranayama

 1.To do Kapalbhati Pranayama, it should be done in a pure environment.

 2.Sit in Padmasana or Sukhasana and try to meditate while keeping the spine straight.

 3.You can also focus on your breath.

 4.After this, take a deep breath in through both the nostrils at a    normal speed and draw the stomach inwards while exhaling at a fast pace.

 5.Do not rush to pull the stomach inward as much as you can.

 6.Initially, if you feel tired in exhaling in 1 minute, then do it comfortably and increase it gradually.

For more information see this video👉


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