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7 Best Leg Workout

Leg muscles are very large muscles, so it becomes necessary to train it, but many people ignore the exercise of the legs. He mostly focuses on the chest, back, biceps and triceps, he leaves the muscles of the lower body, so because of this his legs appear thin, due to which his upper body starts growing except legs. The benefits of exercising for the legs help in strengthening the muscles of your legs. Today we will tell you about the benefits of doing leg workouts. Most of the people who go to the gym exercise only keeping their upper body in mind. In such a situation, their upper body becomes good but the legs remain thin. Leg workouts increase the strength of your leg muscles. Due to this, your legs also become as strong as the upper body.

Before strengthening the muscles of the legs, it is very important for you to know which are the leg muscles. There are three main types of leg muscles which are as follows.

1. Quadriceps:- The quadriceps femoris is a hip flexor and a knee extensor. It consists of four muscles, three major muscles and one rectus femoris. The thighs are collectively one of the most powerful muscles in the body.

2. Hamstrings:- The muscles in the back of the thigh are collectively known as the hamstrings. These are made up of the biceps femoris, semitendinosus and semimembranosus, which are mainly located in the middle and behind the knee. As in the hamstring group, these muscles extend at the hip, and flex at the knee.

3.Glutes:- The gluteal muscles are a group of three muscles, the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and gluteus minimus, that make up the buttocks. The three muscles originate from the ilium and the sacrum and attach to the femur.

4.Calf:- The calf muscle is the calf muscle at the back of the lower leg which is actually made up of two muscles. The gastrocnemius is the large shin muscle, which forms a visible bulge under the skin. The gastrocnemius has two parts or "heads", which together form their diamond shape.

Best Leg workout

1.Barbell squat:- Our first exercise is the barbell squat. This is a compound exercise. This exercise is effective for overall leg growth.

How to do :-

1.To do squats, first warm up the overall body.

2.Stand with feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and keep fingers out.

3.Keep your back straight, don't move too much back and forth.

4.Keep your core tight.

5.When you go down, bring the glutes up to 90 degree angle.

  • Sets – 3
  • Reps 10– 12

2. Leg Press – Our third exercise is the leg press. This exercise is a very effective exercise. With this exercise, we will target our quads muscles.

How to do :-

1.Maintain a stable body on the leg press machine.

2.Place your upper body on the bench.

3.Stand with feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and keep fingers out.

4.Touch your feet till your stomach.

Sets – 3

Reps 10 – 15

3. Lunges:- This is a bit more challenging than squats. In this, you also work on your core muscles and tone your lower body.

How to do :

For this, you hold dumbbells or plates in your hand and first take your right leg back and touch the knee to the ground and stand back straight. Then you have to repeat the same with the left leg.

If you want, you can also do this by walking, just band the leg which you bring forward so that the knee of your back leg can touch the floor below.First you apply three sets of 20 reps of it and then increase according to the capacity.

4. Leg Extension:- For this exercise, you have to use the machine shown in the photo. By the end of this workout, tension will be created on the muscles of your legs i.e. glutes, hamstrings, quads.

How to do :

To do this, sit on the seat and then bring the weight up to the top with the help of your feet as shown in the photo. This will create more tension on your quadriceps. Just keep in mind, you have to bring your feet all the way down and all the way up.

Your speed should be slow and not fast. In this too, you have to gradually increase the weight according to your capacity. Do 4 sets of 12-15 reps.

5. Leg Curl:- This exercise is very similar to the leg extension, the only difference is that the leg extension mainly used to tone the quad muscles and it has hamstrings.

How to do :

To do this exercise also, you have to sit on the seat of the machine shown in the photo and then pull the weight from the feet to the hamstring or inwards so that tension is created on your hamstring muscles.

Then slowly release the weight downwards. Keep in mind that do not lift the weight with a single jerk, otherwise your knee may get hurt. Do 4 sets of 12-15 reps of this and keep increasing the weight according to the capacity.

6. Front Squat:- By doing back squat one can hide the weaknesses of his body but if one does front squat then he cannot hide the weaknesses. Doing this will reveal the weaknesses on which you can easily work on and overcome them.

The drawbacks that come to the fore while doing the front squat are. imbalances, strength deficiencies and mobility etc. If you feel the following shortcomings in yourself, then try to rectify them as well.

7. Seated calf raises:-

 Our last and sixth exercise is Seated Cough Raises. Through this exercise, we will train a lot of muscles. We have seen that many people do not train the kapha muscles, but it is not that without the calf muscles there is no overall development of our legs.

How to do :-

1.Use a seated calf raises machine in the gym.

2.Adjust the legs in the machine.

3.Slowly move the heel upwards and slowly downwards.

Sets – 3

Benefits of doing leg workouts

1. When you exercise to strengthen the legs, it also strengthens your knees. Due to which the pain in the knee joint is relieved.

2. Leg workouts are very beneficial for athletes. The reason for this is that doing leg exercises strengthens the legs and gives energy. Due to which the playing capacity of players playing higher jumps and playing on the court or field increases.

3. Leg workouts are very beneficial in reducing weight. Not only does it help you lose weight and have a more fit body, it also lowers your risk of diabetes, metabolic syndrome and certain cancers. Deadlifting in leg exercises exercises your abs.

4. This leg exercise also works to strengthen your spine. When you do leg workouts, keeping your back straight, you have to lift the weight from the legs, which strengthens the spine.

 For more see this video 👉


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